Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural. 2. Of a strikingly involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; Middle English wird, werd, from Old English wyrd; akin to Old Norse urthr fate, 1. adj u would call someone who is strange 2. (better definition) horny/kinky. 1. Free online dictionary with definitions of obscure and rare words. ... Welcome to (w�) pronunciation adj., weird�er, weird�est. Of, relating to, or suggestive of the Weird means relating to the supernatural or strange or unconventional. (adjective23 Dec 2010 ... So theyy#39;ve gone ahead and done it. U.S. legislators have passed legislation that Definition of weird from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. weird definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also y#39;weird sistersy#39;,y#39;
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